Phoenix Institute, Altanta



It rhymes with attitude. Having an attitude of gratitude sounds like an easy thing, but for a large part of my life, I had a tendency to focus on things I thought weren’t going so well—the emotional bullying of a partner, my lack of prosperity, my meanie boss. It was hard to have an attitude of gratitude when all my focus was on the negative things in my life. Then I met Samuel. He’s been talking about gratitude for at least twenty-two years, which is how long I’ve been crashing this Guardianship party. It took me a while to understand what Samuel was talking about. Apparently we were supposed to be grateful for everything, which floored me. Resistance reared its ugly head. What do you mean I have to be grateful for my expartner who lied to me, bullied me, and had affairs behind my back? I’d rather be righteous, long-suffering and tell all my wounded stories to anyone who would listen. The problem with that mindset was that, after a while, my friends didn’t want to listen anymore.

With all that negative focus consuming my thoughts, I wasn’t healing. It was like being in a self-imposed state of arrested development. After listening to Samuel repeat himself year after year, I decided to stop procrastinating and apply what he was saying. I sat down and wrote out everything I had to be grateful for regarding my ex and came to the realization that what I learned from that experience was how to trust my own intuitive inner voice. That was actually a big leap for me, and that’s when I discovered the power of gratefulness. It heals. It opens hearts, and it allows change from within.

Samuel has also been asking us for years to resolve our core issues, and it occurred to me that core issues were at the basis of all my difficulties in the first place. Allowing my unresolved issues to accumulate over years without doing anything to resolve them helped contribute to my overall unhappiness. They helped shape my beliefs that relationships were harmful, people weren’t to be trusted; I wasn’t worthy, competent, or loveable. Samuel said something very profound that resonated with me recently. He said, “The Universe likes completions.” It occurred to me that my forward movement was held back by my lack of completions. Samuel has also said that we can’t have completion with something until we can be grateful for it. This was also a big motivator for dealing with my core issues. Who wants to spend their life being miserable over such insignificant things? Gratefulness was a game changer for me.

It’s taken a while to go through all my issues, beliefs, and wounds and apply the gratefulness salve, but somewhere along the way I began to notice that I was having fewer and fewer negative moments. I was having more spontaneous knowing, easier understanding and acceptance of situations occurring around me, as well as reduced judgment of situations or people. Who knew something could be so easy?! Why did it take me so long? I was grateful for this shift.

Then came a lot of cosmic energy. Samuel warned us that this was what we’ve been waiting for. This energy would affect everything and everyone. Things were going to start changing pretty quickly, and we needed to step up our game so we could be of service to the world when stuff started hitting the proverbial fan. I saw what that energy was doing to world governments and the people they served. It’s easy to sit back and watch things hap-pen and be fairly neutral about it when those things are happening to someone else. What happens though, when stuff starts happening right where I live? What do you get when you mix a dysfunctional government, a bunch of disenfranchised and angry people with a long-term cosmic energy cocktail? As Samuel has been saying, we get the government we deserve. We also get a big old pile of scared people. Who are you going to call for help? Guardians.

What does gratefulness have to do with the big can of crazy that has opened in America? Everything. I’m grateful we have been working with Samuel all these years and we are ready to go. I’m grateful for core issue completions so I can focus on my service. I’m grateful that all the scared people have Guardians to help guide and guard Life Force and show them there is a different way to be. I’m grateful that the change that Samuel has been promising is here. I am grateful that I get to pull up my big girl panties and work alongside all my Guardian buddies during this time of great need. Boot camp ended a while ago, and everything since then has been a fine-tuning. I am grateful we can say, “Don’t worry, we’ve got this.”