Phoenix Institute, Altanta


PIA Visits Fernbank Museum

Phoenix Institute Atlanta merges with the past, present and future.

PIA peeps Jean-Michel Cousteau it

Since Samuel encourages us to socialize with each other and to get out there in the world, the question then becomes: where to go and what to do in 95-degree Atlanta heat? PIA took the cool route this past weekend and made a visit to Fernbank Natural History Museum. There was an illuminating show on The Brain, a sculptured family of Hadrosaur roaming around in front of the building, lots of young future scientists enjoying the many exhibits, and a beautiful IMAX movie: Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Secret Ocean. For the non-scuba diving contingent among us, this film was an eye-opening, in-your-face view of the magical kingdoms beneath the surface of the ocean.

PIA peep with dinosaur bones

As we strolled around the museum, we enjoyed being among young children and their families. There were many retiree volunteers working the ticket lines and providing direction and assistance. It was a delight to be able to merge with such a wonderful variety of energies. Afterward, we gathered for dinner at a nearby restaurant featuring excellent vegan veggie burgers. A good time was had by all.